Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut

We invite organisations to join the Industrial Master's Programme in IT

We are looking for companies and organisations partner with in the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science Industrial Master’s Programme in IT. This programme pairs a selected Master’s student with an organisation. The student will, in parallel with their studies, create value for the organisation. By partnering with us, your company can play an active role in developing the next generation of top IT specialists and making a meaningful impact on IT education.

By participating in the programme, the company will provide a position for the student and a monthly participation fee of 1,700 euros for 11 months, most of which will serve as scholarship for the student. The company will set the student’s tasks and appoint an in-house supervisor.

What does the company gain from this partnership?

  • The student will write a Master’s thesis on a topic important to your company.
  • Fresh knowledge, technologies, and ideas will be brought into your company through the student, their academic supervisor, and universities research groups.
  • Your company will stand out as an organisation that values education, enhancing its visibility among our IT students.
  • Upon the student’s graduation, your company will have the opportunity to recruit a future employee already familiar with your organisation.

The deadline for creating a position for the programme is 31 January. If you are interested in joining the programme, contact Mari-Anne Suurpere ( Find more information on the Industrial Master's Programme in IT on our website.

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